Word Cookies is a new word game from Bitmango that claims to be the world’s best word puzzle game.find letters The casual game maker (HIT app, Roll the Ball, Block Hexa Puzzle, etc.) has released this title for Android crossword quiz, and the goal of the game is rather simple – you’ve got to find all of the hidden words, or create words from the available letters. And if you’re able to pull it off, Bitmango claims you can improve your “vocabulary, concentration, sliding block puzzle and spelling skills” by playing this “king of find letters (the) crossword quiz brain teasers.” Take note that words aren’t just found horizontally, vertically, or diagonally – they can even be found backwards, so keep your eyes peeled for all the possibilities in each of the levels!sliding block puzzle words in a word If you’ve just started out the game and are having some difficulty finding the hidden words, then we suggest you read on and check out our detailed list of Word Cookies sliding block puzzle crossword quiz answers, cheats and solutions. We’ve covered all the levels in the game,words in a word so if the brain teasers are teasing you a bit too much early on, you can check for the answers you’re missing. Just try your best not to read this answer key from start to finish, words in a word though!**** DISCLAIMER: ****-this app is just a guide non-official for Word Cookies-This app is an unofficial Word Cookies guide only, it is not authorized or created by the creator of the game.